Frequently Asked Questions


Question:  Has there been any changes to the centre due to COVID-19?

Answer: Yes. We have had many changes lately. Currently we are operating at a very limited capacity due to regulations and guidelines set forth by the Ministry of Education and Public Health Units and are only able to offer spots to families as they come available.

Our ability to accept part time children has also changed as our cohorts must be maintained regardless of days attended. This means that any child enrolled must be considered for a full five (5) day/week placement regardless of days attended in the corresponding maximum licensed capacity and cohort size.

Our cleaning and disinfecting policies and procedures have also been dramatically increased throughout the day, with the sharing/rotation of toys available. Each child has a dedicated bin for their art supplies/playdough, some books, etc. which is solely for their use and not shared with other children in their cohorts. We have streamlined our toys and materials for open-ended play experiences and rely on a rotation and a limited amount available throughout the day and week (if you’d like to see some pictures of our current set up, please feel free to visit our Gallery page). A night custodian crew comes into the centre once it closes to fully clean and disinfect any surfaces to ensure all areas are fresh for the next day, this is in addition to enhanced cleaning of all surfaces (walls, materials, equipment, bedding, door handles, windows, etc.) completed by our RECE’s and Assistants throughout the day.

Our menu rotation has also changed; we reduced our menu’s to a four (4) week rotation to ensure children are being provided with meals they will enjoy and eat to ensure all children are full and happy. We must maintain food consumption to only the designated meal times throughout the day (AM Snack, Lunch, & PM Snack) and we ensure there is plenty of food available.

We have also altered our hours of operation to 7:00am to 5:30pm; Monday through Friday, for our staff’s mental health and ample opportunities to ensure proper cleaning and disinfecting after hours.

Question:  For the Before/After School Program what schools bus to your childcare centre?

Answer: Buses come to our childcare centre from Martha Cullimore; Victoria; and Prince Phillip French Immersion. We walk children to and from St. Gabriel Lament.


Question:   What age can my child start in your childcare centre?

Answer:   We accept children from 18 months to 12 years old.